We proudly offer custom products for our online customers. The usual time for delivery of custom products is 7 days. However, the customers can cancel the order within 24 hours. After 24 hours, the product goes to preparation phase and the customers cannot cancel the order during this period.
We parcel the product on the same day when you place online order on our website. The maximum shipment time is 24 hours. If you want to cancel your order, you can take action within 24 hours. After 24 hours, you cannot cancel the order. If you cancel the order within in due course of time, you will get full refund of your money.
Hussar Jackets Company accepts return of purchased items within 30 days from the date of receipt. However, the following conditions apply.
We also refund the money as per polices. If you return an item as per procedure mentioned above, you will be eligible for refund. The following conditions apply for refund of products you purchase online from our store.